
Dating for over 30s

Dating for over 30s

  Over 30s Dating Over 30s dating has changed a lot recently. Some people believe that it was easier in pre Covid times to meet someone while out socialising. People nowadays seem to keep to themselves rather than mingling with others, so it’s difficult to meet someone new on a night out. If you’re unattached

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dating for over 40s

Dating for Over 40s

Dating for over 40s   Dating for over 40s can be challenging. Whether you’re single, looking for someone to settle down with, or maybe it’s second time around, everyone agrees that it’s getting more difficult to meet compatible people to date. A personalised dating service Do you want to meet someone to share your life

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Dating over 50s

Dating for over 50s

Dating for over 50s   Dating in your 50s Mature dating can be challenging. Are you looking for a personalised dating service? Do you want to meet someone to share your life with, someone who is willing to commit to a long term relationship? Are you finding online dating sites aren’t exactly what you’re looking

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dating over 60s

Dating for over 60s

Over 60s Dating   Older Dating Services Dating for over 60s can be a challenge today. You probably find that the dating scene is totally different from what it was like when you started dating back in the days of the dance halls! If you are unattached and thinking of starting to date,  joining a

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Personality and Values over Looks

The Case for Prioritizing Personality and Values in Modern Dating In today’s dating landscape, it’s no secret that physical appearance often takes centre stage. From meticulously curated dating profiles to swiping left or right based on a split-second judgment, the emphasis on looks seems more prevalent than ever. But as a matchmaker deeply entrenched in

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limerick datint, matchmaking agency

Summertime Love!

New Beginnings: As spring blossoms into summer, nature’s vibrant display reminds us of new beginnings. From flowers painting the countryside with their glorious hues to birds taking flight from their nests, the season exudes a sense of joy and rejuvenation. With the days growing longer, there’s a delightful surge of activity in the evenings. Whether

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matchmaking & Dating Agency

Matchmaking Agency

Matchmaking Agency   Matchmaking in Ireland Our Matchmaking Agency has become very popular in recent times. As people grow weary of online dating sites and want a more personalised service, they want to be matched with other unattached people who are looking for the same commitment. Irish Matchmaker When you join our matchmaking agency you

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matchmaker ireland

Giving Love a Chance!

Looking for love! When I turned on the twoheartsmeet phone this morning, there was a message from a lady whom I’ll call Anne. She had been searching the internet about a year ago for dating sites in Ireland but more specifically matchmaking sites and she found me. She was a divorced lady in her early

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Being Successful at Dating!

How to be successful at dating If you’re single, separated, divorced or widowed and looking for a partner to share your life, you are probably finding it challenging right now. People I speak to tell me of their difficulties trying to find someone compatible on an internet dating site, someone who is actually looking for

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dating ireland

Finding the Chemistry!

I’ve been thinking recently about the men and women I match and what makes some couples stay together while others could have lots of introductions and never be able to settle with anyone.   Getting to know you There are several elements at play when two people are introduced. They start out as strangers, meet

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dating in ireland

Keeping an open mind!!

When I turned on the twoheartsmeet phone this morning, I was thrilled to read a message from a lady I had matched in 2019. She texted me to say that they are got engaged last weekend and are planning their wedding for next August. Katie and Andrew (not their real names for reasons of confidentiality)

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Dating Tips

Dating in Limerick

Dating in Limerick   Limerick Dating Agency If you are looking for a dating agency in Limerick or a matchmaking agency in Limerick then you’ve come to the right place! We set up Twoheartsmeet in 2011 and have brought together unattached Limerick people who are single, separated, divorced or widowed who have joined our matchmaking

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Happy Endings!

I would like to share an email I received recently from a lady I matched just before the beginning of the Covid pandemic. (Names have been changed for reasons of confidentiality). We all love happy endings and this is one of those. When Marie joined Twoheartsmeet she didn’t hold out much hope of finding her

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dating in ireland

The Secret to Finding Love

The Key to Successful Matchmaking I’ve been in the matchmaking business for several years now, and one pattern I see time and time again is this: people who are very keen to meet someone usually succeed in doing so. Conversely, those who are half-hearted about meeting a partner often end up saying no to several

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limerick datint, matchmaking agency

Some Handy Dating Tips

What makes us attracted to one person and not the other? Where does the famous chemistry come from that creates a spark between two people? There are some very handy dating tips in this blog which I hope you will find interesting and informative. It is taken from the Ask Men website and it offers some

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Making a first date great!

Dating in Ireland hasn’t stopped because of Covid-19. Single and unattached people who want to be part of a loving couple are not willing to put their love lives on hold. If anything, having more time on their hands during lock down gave a lot of singletons time to consider whether they are truly happy

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Finding your soulmate

  Single and unattached people often wonder what options are out there re meeting a new partner. Perhaps you have tired of online dating sites and are pondering what else you can do to help realise your dreams of meeting your soul mate. A possible option is to try a dating agency such as two

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dating fees-costs

Dating Sites Ireland

Dating Sites Ireland Jerry was searching the internet for dating sites Ireland when he happened across two hearts meet dating agency. He had a read of our website and thought we might be able to help him find his special someone. He had tried several online dating sites all to no avail and decided that

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Love Second Time Around

Love Second Time Around This story shows how you can find love second time around once your heart has been healed and you feel ready to start dating again. I want to tell you a story about Gillian and Jack (not their real names) who joined Twoheartsmeet two years ago. In fact it was our

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Dating Agency Ireland

Dating agency Ireland were the words Jennifer (not her real name) typed into her search engine when she came across our website. She had a read through it and thought it sounded exactly like what she was looking for. She had come out of a long term relationship a few years before, had given herself

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being a matchmaker

Looking for Love!

Time to find love! Looking for love, the endless quest! Well here’s a story about a couple who were looking for love whom I matched around three years ago and they hit it off on their first meeting and have never looked back. We’ll call them Sean and Laura. Romance is in the air! Sean

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Finding Someone to Love!

Finding someone to love who is willing to commit to a long term relationship can be challenging. There are so many boxes that need ticking: Personality traits, location, physical build, occupation, background, education, common interests, the list goes on and on. Then there’s the magic ingredient which people call chemistry or a spark. It’s that

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Dating in Ireland

Dating in Ireland Everyone agrees that it’s getting more and more difficult to find a partner for dating in Ireland these days. Back in the day when there were dance halls in every town in Ireland finding someone to date was very easy. A guy walked up to a girl and asked her to dance.

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The myth about chemistry

Before I set up Twoheartsmeet I would’ve said that it’s very important to feel a strong chemistry or spark with someone if you’re thinking of dating them. Now however, after 6 years of matching couples and receiving feedback on how they felt on the first and subsequent dates, I’ve changed my mind. I really and

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